Black Gaet Saga

Still windy, mostly dry and cloudy all day, poor visibility in the distance, and the odd shower. 

A morning around the house, and then headed to work at the airport.  I've been on late shift, and started at check-in.  The afternoon and evening was mostly meeting and boarding flights, although a quiet day of passengers.  More walkies with Sammy, now feet up.

There has been some saga over this junction for the past few years.  The original T junction was replaced with wide exits and entrance, even a very handy small slip road coming from the south. Sadly there has been various crashes here over the years, mostly down to human error and lack of patience.  They've reduced the speed limit, still crashes.  The only time there isn't crashes, is when it's misty, people take the time to look and judge better when conditions are poor.  The local council has taken it on themselves to change the perfect junction back to a T junction again, what a waste of money.  Will they have a new road layout for the next crash? Oh well, it gives me a moment to think, while stuck at the red light.  Taken at the Black Gaet junction, Gulberwick.  

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