Place: St Pete Beach, FL 77/93
Main activity: Tues - condo & pool
Notes: Finally slept better and feeling a bit better after the last few days - head clearer, throat not sore, blowing my nose less. Quiet morning, was going to go to the pool early and sit and watch the sun rise but the elevator was out again so opted to go later ... didn't feel like walking up and down 5 flights of stairs when not feeling good and low energy. Did some more planning on the trip back to get my stuff. Boy, when you're being controlled and manipulated, it's easy to get to the point of not seeing a way out! I lost 20 lbs there (had already lost 10 before I went and didn't think it was possible to lose much more), went into depression, got stung by fire ants twice (many many stings the 2nd time - was really bad), lived in the dirtiest place of my life and had 24/7 presence of a narcissistic control freak with huge self-worth issues and lots of delusions - false accusations, nasty comments, you name it. She's also the reason I stopped posting here; it was a demand actually. She thinks she's dating a celebrity who's she's never met or heard from (the obsession is dark and deep) - and she believes people are tracking her AND are out to get her so I wasn't allowed to post where I was (or have friends/family send anything to the house) ... What a crazy and horrible learning experience tho, how much I did learn! Blissful and grateful to be free and back near friends and the water!

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