Place: St Pete Beach, FL 78/89
Main activity: Mon - Labor Day, dogs, beach
Notes: Slept well, tried to take Barney (biggest dog) and Tahi (smallest) for a short walk but didn't get far and was stressful and chaotic. Barney just unmanageable and then almost got out of harness. Quiet morning, was sitting down at computer and then realized it was a holiday. Leisurely morning, took the golf cart to the  beach around 1040a - east side was looking all dark but radar showed no rain coming thru this area or even close. Beach was already getting busy but saw a cool empty shot. Walked a bit down and then back up the sidewalk. Was going to drive around a bit but was compelled to head back. Few drops starting as I pulled into the drive and then just dumped as soon as I got back in - felt very intuitive. Quiet and relaxing rest of day. Made a bigged chopped salad with salmon for dinner and started watching a new series on Hulu (new for me). 

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