and through the wire...

By hesscat


dashed off to the Ovo Hydro tonight to see Arcade Fire. To offset our home electricity charges, Ovo offered the chance to park for free which I snapped up, except I thought it was in the multistorey car park next to it - I buzzed the car park intercom to ask and they said I should have gone to a different place... and haven taken a ticket, I had 5 minutes to get out of the car park to avoid a car park charge... so whizzed around several loops, up 2 floors, down 2 floor, then out, phew... and found the real car park right outside the Ovo.... it is defintely worth paying extra for electricity!

Anyways... yes Arcade Fire, we were standing very close up front (our first standing at the Hydro), with a set design that felt like we were in.a much smaller hall, nice and cosy. They played for 1 hour 45 mins, great lighting, great music, great crowd, and no plans to change my electricity contract!

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