Just born

We have had a cow and calf in the field for several months now. We don't see a lot of them as it is a long field and they often disappear out of sight. Then this morning, as I was putting washing out (perfect drying day today) Gordon called me over to see a little white fluffy bundle in the grass. The other cows were not taking any notice of it and it was so still we thought it must be a calf, but maybe not alive. 

Then later I noticed this little calf. It was wandering and feeding and then lying with Mum. We had no idea there was going to be a calf. 

The Booker Shortlist will be announced tomorrow and it will be interesting, as everyone agrees that this has been a very strong longlist, every one is different and any of them could make it to the shortlist. There are lots of predictions around, but really no one has any idea what the judges will select. The extra is my prediction list. It is based mainly on the ones I have liked the most, but then I have looked at range, in terms of authors and type of books. For example, it would be very easy to have almost an entire list made up of American authors - I don't think this will happen. If all the books are good, then I think there will be some thought to the range. I may be wrong, in fact I, along with everyone else, have no idea! 

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