I Am Kale, Watch Me Soar

Hubby had to be at the parish hall by 6:00 this morning. September marks the return of the Knights’ monthly breakfast. I was in the garden by 8 to beat the heat. Remind me next year not to keep all the volunteer tomato plants. What a mess. I pulled quite a few and made room for my six baby kale plants. My sister says they get very tall and broad with long leaves and produce until at least next summer. They are all planted, watered and fertilized. I will blip their progress in a month or two. Hubby and I both enjoy kale, cooked or raw. I am excited to try growing it. The sparse plant really did not make an interesting photo though so I added a few shots of flowers. My asters are so tall and still growing; finally put up a fence around that garden. They will be in bloom soon. Added another one out front to corral the black eyed Susans that were laying on our sidewalk. The sun was hot and I was drenched in sweat; I’d been working for three hours, time to quit. Hubby brought my breakfast just as I had finished my shower. After he froze the leftover pancakes, he took a short nap. Four hours sleep last night was not enough. I worked on my blip and chatted with my daughter. She took my spot on Jamie’s boat along with Lauren, Billy and River since I had gardening tasks. They had a fun ride and docked at a waterfront restaurant for brunch. River had a blast and was a good boy at breakfast. Hubby is cutting grass and he will grill our dinner later. I will make the sides. Tomorrow is a holiday in the US. It marks the end of summer. Be safe if you are on the road. Thanks for the visit and stars and hearts lately. "The balance to life is kale cakes and cupcakes". - Joe

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