
By dunkyc


***New blipper(s) klaxon!!*** 

Having primed the children on the way to the boot sale that there may not be any Pokemon cards there, it stands to reason that within a few minutes The Youngest had already located a stall selling the things and they walked away with around 150 each (having had some help from me and their Nan).

Anyways, the boot sale was our only activity today as there was a lot of tiredness doing the rounds (although I must confess that I felt fine), so we hung out at home and I got everything packed up before we headed home. The drive back was easy and uneventful thankfully.

Boot sale bargains aside, the main event of the day was the launching of a Blip journal for the wee ones, which we called OandM. They’d been asking for a long while if they could have a journal and I had resisted for a while, but they were so keen and it’s hard to push back against anything which encourages thought and creativity.

You can get a flavour of their train of thought here and if you wanted to give them a follow they would love that (I’m controlling the account, but any photos and words are theirs), but completely understand if not! We’ll see how long they keep it going for…….

Day off tomorrow and then back on with the childcare on Monday and Tuesday! 

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