Dropping soon
I’ll be the first to admit that even by my own low photography standard, this shot is not great, but I was trying to capture something and it turned out to be the only photo I took all day.
I was trying to capture the leaves turning colour and falling from the tree, and as I did so a leaf fell from the tree and landed on my head. You can tell we’re making the transition into Autumn because suddenly heading out in shirtsleeves is no longer a given – is a hoodie or top needed also, because what if the weather turns or the wind picks up etc.? Diabolical season for sartorial decisions.
Apparently, we’re due a temperature bump in the middle of next week? I’ll believe it when I see it, but it would be most welcome all the same.
Nothing much going on today and took a half day featuring a brew and a stroll up, over and around the castle for a change, which was lovely, followed by a trip to the supermarket to get some supplies for the weekend.
As first weeks back after a holiday go, that was surprisingly and welcomingly gentle.
Have a nice weekend!
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