The one with the left boob resting...
On the table.
What a day !! A great day :D
The Loveland (Zoe's godmum) arrived at 10.30am shortly followed by the perma tanned DDLC... We hotfooted it into town to have a mooch and lunch.. We did indeed have a good mooch about the shops .. Whist in M&S we bumped into Hunchback who then joined us for coffee,sarnies and cake in one of the little cafes in town.
This evenings shenanigans were documented for blip by the power of timer cam on my iPhone ... Little genius app.Note how Tits McGees left boob is resting on the table .. We walked the 2.5 miles up the canal towpath to Wilmcote and stopped at The Mary Arden pub armed with just £5 .. Tits slapped her cash on the bar and said 'this is what we got .. What can we ave' then' in some kind of strange yokel dialect ... I had half a bitter shandy those porkers had something to do with lager (because they are rough ) ..
We sort of forgot its gets dark about 9pm and had to rush back down the canal path to our cars ... It WAS dark by the time we reached the lane the cars were on ! It was 9.12 when I started my engine..
Do you know what not one husband phoned to see where we were ... We could have been LEPT upon ..
I have a rant but it can wait until tomorrow .. I am too tired.
L to R ... Wiggy,The TIT and me :D
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