Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Guess what ??

Well you won't...
It's happened again .. I have not only been all domesticated but I have also been all 'exercisey' ..
Did my usual pooch walk after school run this morning and then I skipped home ( that's a bit of a fib as I drive the 3 miles home) and did a large scale assault clean up of our down stairs including using my beloved steam cleaner.
THEN I leapt upon my bicycle and went on a blip hunt incorporating some healthy exercise.
I loitered in the cemetery looking at some HUGE ornate headstones and then I righted some little pots that had been blown over and put the flowers back in .. You don't need to be religious to go and have a little read of the headstones and do a little tidying ,after all these plots mean something to someone somewhere so I felt it a good deed to titivate.
I then peddled furiously ( quite slowly really) to Holy Trinity Church ( remember this is where Willy Shakespeare is buried and for £2 you can 'look ' at the plot ).. I wanted to lie on it but its sectioned off.
I ended up down at the river and as you can see I blipped the boats with the names of some of Shakespeare's gals on ....
To get my strength back Moonchops fed me an iced Belgian bun ...

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