Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Peace Pagoda

I spent this morning in Chiswick close to M's apartment. Breakfast in a small cafe was very pleasant. Nice to watch the world go by.
M came by at lunchtime and we walked down to the Thames and along to a wee pub where we sat by the river. The water was very low, so there were lots of birds enjoying the mud including rather a large group of cormorants and some greylag geese. Lots of gulls too.
At teatime I moved to my friend's house at Battersea and to my surprise found other friends from Leicester Diocese staying there too. J had kept it as a surprise for me.
They had another guest who arrived yesterday from Hyderabad. She is the wife of a man I've known for over 20 years and who I last saw when I was in Tirunelveli in 2020. Another lovely surprise for me.
After dinner three of us went for a walk in Battersea Park and along the river. This is the Peace Pagoda there. The info is in the extra. It was lovely to see so many people out and about enjoying the warm weather, live music at a cafe/pub and people picnicking on the grass.
Steps today, a mere 16300

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