Lunch at VJB

We picked Rick up at the Sonoma County airport this morning and were home in time to have coffee and a chat on the porch. Things have settled down (or we have gotten used to it) next door so the beeping seemed minimal. They use a machine to lift materials up to the level of the house and it seems to beep when it is lifting even if it isn’t moving. It isn’t as incessant as the earth moving ones….

A blistering heat wave is being predicted beginning tomorrow so we decided to go to VJB for lunch while it was still cool enough to sit in the piazza. John went inside to order and came back with a glass of white wine and some lovely deli salads for me. The picture I took while I was waiting is the only one I took today. I sipped the wine while we waited for their panini to arrive. By the time we finished, it was definitely warming up. It is 95F (34C) outside as I write, but still comfortable indoors.

We’re gearing up to make tacos for dinner. Rick has given his stamp of approval to the pepper relish although there was some drama over getting the jar open. John said it was because I closed the jars when they were still hot, but I said that is rule #1 in canning. They aren’t the kind of canning jars I’m used to, but I finally managed to pry one open with a pair of pliers, spilling half the contents in the process….

Next time I’ll use the old fashioned lid and ring kind I’m used to….

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