Dismal looking Claremont!

This is a rather depressing view of the NT Claremont Gardens! We visit often but have not been since early July. Usually all the grass is a lovely green colour…. Not any more! It has not made as much recovery as grass near us a few
miles away.
We took the grandchildren as schools locally all have INSET days… we were not alone there were no plots of grandparents with children of all ages up to about 12….. it was the busiest I have seen it ever! But we did not stay near the playground.

There is a new notice asking people not to feed the birds crisps, cakes etc. we actually usually take some bird food with us for the children to feed the various water birds.

Despite no rain being forecast at all it started raining when we got there, none of us had raincoats so we had to dash back to the car for umbrellas. We need to return to taking waterproofs when we go out just in case! After such a dry summer it comes as a surprise.

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