
By WhiskyFoxtrot

May I...?

I'm not good at taking portraits. I'm not good (yet!) at asking people if I may take their photo which may go some way to explaining the first sentence.

I had a lovely stroll this afternoon with a friend who is also a blipper. We enjoyed the sunshine, looked for blips and generally meandered. I took a photo of my friend standing, virtually teetering, on a structure whilst taking a photo to illustrate the things we do to find a blip.

Instead of posting that photo, I give you a little history from Leith Docks. I havnae a scoobie what this was used for but it was certainly used. Whilst most of us think of the docks as a dark and dirty place, we found a wee stretch that could have passed for Paris once upon a time.

Next challenge: to get better at asking people if I may take their photo and then get better at portraiture. It's good to have goals in life...

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