Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Gin in one of my "special glasses"

Since we expect to be in rented accommodation for several months, we brought (amongst many other things) one of the glasses that work well for my gin.

We had a slowish morning, though we did strip the beds and pass the dirty sheets and towels through the communicating door to our host, so she could wash them.

Then a trip to Hobbycraft in Rugby so I could treat myself to some new patchwork toys.  This was followed by a late lunch at a nearby Harvesters pub, then back to remake the beds with the freshly laundered sheets.

After spilling W's gin and tonic whilst trying to decant the ice, I'm sitting with my feet up, and W has fallen asleep watching a You tube video on his tablet. I think we are finally relaxing from the stress of the last few months.

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