It's Not Easy...

..Photographing Green! least with my iPhone! It really likes lime green and seems to find it everywhere! and then saturates it so it almost glows...until it becomes almost gaudy! Or maybe it is the time of day.. when the setting sun hits green at just the right angle? Whatever...

Today I went for my walk in the early evening again, but this time to a community park in town. Last spring I really enjoyed walking through it when the scilla created lovely blue carpets next to the lawns and then when the trilliums blanketed the woodland floor..There was a dirt path through the woods along the creek too, but alas today the growth of everything green had overwhelmed it ..all that remains for walking right now is the paved path through a manicured park.. 

But one thing has remained "wild"...the pond near one of the parking areas. It is hidden from the busy street and when you stroll around on your way into the more formal parts of the park, you forget that you are in a densely populated subdivision, next to a strip mall! ..but of course the pond is various shades of green..which I hope do show up as relatively natural in my blip!

I had my usual Sunday afternoon chat with ET my friend next door..who ended up taking her blood pressure on my little machine which was sitting on the dining room table! My brother went to town from his cottage the other day and had his BP taken and is now going to buy a home monitor for himself! Seems the people around me are taking much more of an interest in their blood pressure now!  Maybe some good has come from my little BP adventure after all?

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