All Quiet On The ....

... Home Front.

Which is a good thing! No drama.... Had a leisurely and social morning  with visits from neighbours.. and a quiet afternoon reading out in the garden - finished my latest book The Little French Bistro, the second of two by Nina George I have been reading ..a light read, lots of romance, set in France.. enjoyable and not taxing...just what I needed, but now I am ready for something different..not sure yet which book will get rescued from the shelf today...

I didn't get out for my walk until almost sunset so I was hoping there was going to be something photogenic down at the lake - it is so close - always handy for a blip..Of course, being a beautiful summer Saturday  evening, it was crowded. I walked the promenade - which is not taxing either - I seem to prefer non-taxing activities these days... but ended up leaving to go down the road a bit to the inner harbour to get my blip photo.

I had a long phone chat with my younger brother today. He has taken my BP crisis to heart and has checked his and is concerned that he should get a cuff and start checking his regularly too...We have a family history of high BP and we, of all people, should be vigilant... I hope he follows up on that...

PS: I see from my extra photo that I really should get the paint out! Yikes..That wicker and many of my metal garden items are in dire need of a make-over!  Wonder if E also paints...hmmm

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