Lunch in a tent….

Mum’s 90th birthday party finally arrived.  And of course as the hostess  I didn’t take many photos so will be relying on others to send some in.   Especially @xtoph1 !  Here is a group in the marquee with the South Downs in the distance. 

It all went well with the usual eek moments on the way.  Mary and I were setting up the tables to be laid and realised although they were tables for 10 with the chairs they only seated 9 so the emergency overflow table threw out my seating plan. The food was delicious but serving out of the garden barn was quite difficult and Jane cursed the variants.   It was traditional with cold salmon and summer pudding , which was totally delicious.  

Lots of group photos - Mum with her descendants, Mum with the Australian cousins, Mum with her friends. 

All in all a lovely day.  B/C and Ivy stayed on and we had a relaxed evening but all felt exhausted! 

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