Farmers' Market

I'd forgotten how fun it is to go to the farmers' market...and how expensive. But worth it because everything is so high quality. We've been in the habit of going to the one in Sebastopol, but Dana talked us in to going to the Santa Rosa one today. 

I wrote about it at length and was just about to press publish when my computer froze. I restarted it but lost everything I had just written, and now I have an 'ocular migraine'...not serious but somewhat disabling when it comes to writing, so I'm going to go lie down and close my eyes for twenty minutes or so. It doesn't go away if your eyes are closed but it's less distracting.

I think the top left image qualifies for Silly Saturday. Blipper Freespiral isn't the only one who has a flea market table full of random and bizarre items....

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