Mr. O. Vine

The one thing that you can be sure about in life is that you’re never sure when you will be doorstepped by a Shaun the Sheep tribute act.  Well, I say act, but maybe RADA would have a thing to say about this.  However, it was to be expected, as it’s Carnival Week* in Plymouth.  It could have been worse; last year it was Basil Brush and, the year before, Looby Loo.  At the time she was cohabiting with Teddy in a wicker basket.  Obviously not Alan ‘Wicker’ Basket.  Pretty edgy stuff for 1950.  You can’t get anything nowadays for £19.50.  Some folk may think this is a wind-up, but it was the Clockwork Age.
Mummy Woodentop wasn’t available for comment.  Ditto Marcel Marceau.

*Blanche is Carnival Queen.

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