Look Into My Eyes

"Look deep into my eyes."

I wish my look into the mallards eyes could give me a few answers. For the 2nd year in a row...there are very few females on the pond. By my eyeball count...I counted 22 males, and 2 females. Not good numbers.

It has already led to a couple of encounters that I wish I hadn't seen. I will spare you the details. Let's just say...sometimes nature ain't pretty...sometimes almost disgusting.

Speaking of numbers...had another softball practice today. Picture 13 men and 2 ladies between the ages of 60 and 70. Almost like the odds of the ducks, and almost just as ugly. I slipped twice in centerfield...falling to a knee on one of them. Mud was the culprit.

The duck let me creep to within 5 feet of him Such a lovely green and purple head. I gave him my best Peter, Paul, and Mary. Tell me...big fella..."Where have all the females gone...long time passing. Where have all the females gone...long time ago?"

No answer. He either doesn't know the answer...or...he didn't like my singing.

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