Yesterday The Rev bought another bird feeder…(I have no idea why????!?!) He said one was for the pigeons and one for the small birds!!!!!!!
Well as you can tell from the photo…the pigeons obviously don’t know the rules!!!! I took this and sent it to The Rather Silly Rev!!!

After a good tutor session I popped up to Mums to sort out the scooter battery (it was easy to remove but had caused a stress for her. ) Then Oksana and I went to visit Westerham via Botley Hill Farm. A very typical English village. We drove in the rain, arrived in sunshine, parked in rain, walked in sunshine and sat and had coffee in the rain!!! So very English. :))))))

In the evening The Rev and I went to a Rotary Club do about Ukraine. It was very interesting and we met another host family.

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