We have ...
... A giant of a sunflower in our front garden. It's 3 metres high.
Much more spectacular than her two sisters across the road! Brian, one of our neighbours gave me this plant in May, it was about 50cm high. He had another one, and so did another neighbour. I said at the time "So the competition is on". "You've got no chance" came his reply. He conceded that I have indeed won, it's huge with so many flowers developing. This is the first flower.
Had my follow up with the physiotherapist today. I think he was rather pleased at how well I've done. I really do intend to keep up the stretching exercises, even though they take a chunk out of my day. I feel so much better, and stronger in my core. I thanked him for helping me which I think he was pleased to hear.
It's been another very warm day. I am loving how fast the washing dries in this heat. To be able to pack things away straight off the line is luxury indeed in this country.
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