
I was working from home today, so the choice of photos was limited - neither the laptop nor the yoga mat being very picturesque I found another flower on the windowsill.This pink pelargonium is a descendant of one that lynnfarl gave me years ago - it reliably flowers for about ten months in the year. It's been having a little rest recently but has just decided that it really is spring.

The most exciting thing that happened today was Mr H belting out of the house and chasing a bin lorry round the block this morning; he succeeded in getting them to empty the block bins, which was long overdue. He must have fired off some pretty strong emails because in the afternoon a council employee came to the door to make his excuses - pity DaveH missed him!

[Edit: * Pelargonium. Ogatadomar wins the spelling bee - sorry, no prizes, just the satisfaction!]

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