Grey Heron
The young one was waiting on the viewing platform this morning. She flew down to the path and had a little bit to eat. She then chased the older female off a bit. She wasn't very hungry and seemed distracted. I gave her some whilst she was on a log in the water and she ate what landed close to her. The young gull got the rest. I was able to throw some over to the older female. I made my way to the clearing and gave some sardine to the nervous female. The crows were around and got some pollock.
This afternoon there was live music somewhere nearby (probably for the festival) and the park was very busy. I only saw the nervous female who called to me as she landed. She had a feed then left. There was a very young one who wanted to come close but was to nervous. I managed to land a couple of bits of sardine near it which it ate. On the way out two of the crows landed on the fence ahead of me. One took some pollock from my hand. The other let me put a bit right next to it.
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