Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Sylvia's Pink Dahlias.

The Feast Day of St. Bernard.
It is a cloudy start here in Rishton, very overcast,19c, a little breezy with the expectation of some rain. I was up early after a good sleep, now that the humidity has gone, and went for a walk to buy our newspaper soon after the Church bells had rung at 8am. 
These dahlias are in Sylvia's front garden area. She is 90 years old, bless her, and walks her little dog every morning and afternoon. She lives in a bungalow within the Eachill Gardens housing and the company Onward oversee the maintenance of the properties and mows the grassed areas. Behind the bungalows are communal lawns and small gardens, suited to elderly people.
This morning, Paul and me are going to look at second hand cars, with the view to buying one when he retires in a couple of weeks.
Have a lovely day and take care blip friends. Thanks for visiting .

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