Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Too little at the beginning of the day. Burst water main. Tap reduced to a trickle but at least it was enough to fill a kettle. In the afternoon we had a month’s worth of rain in three hours. Dramatic and welcome but a drop in the ocean (literally) compared to what we need in this summer of drought. Caused my canopy to collapse and my poles to buckle but I managed to get it all back up later. The sun will be shining tomorrow - we are set for pleasant mid twenties the next couple of weeks.

TGR messaged from Canada to say she has covid. Barely any symptoms ‘though; only took the test as she was driving up to do some work at one of the resorts. Fingers crossed it is mild.

Astonished at this government’s neglect of its basic duties. We have the most serious economic problems in decades and they’re acting like the court of Louis XVI. The cost of energy for ordinary people is looking scary and will lead to a massive drop in disposable income, which will in turn make the recession worse. You don’t need an A Level in economics to see what is coming if there is no intervention.

I am researching winter clothes. Extra socks, long johns and woolly hats. The thermostat will be on low and we will just have to deal with it between the end of October and the beginning of March. 

This is an age of extremes …

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