Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Yes it’s real!

Hard to believe that this is really the colour of the water, but trust me you just have to go there and see it for yourself.  Mauzee and I have spent today driving along the western side of the Exmouth Peninsula in the Cape Range National Park.  It was truly spectacular and we ended up having two swims.  One at Turquoise Bay and the other at Sandy Beach.  I have never EVER enjoyed a swim as much as I did today.  We left the park in time to head north again and tonight we are camped at the Yannarie River camp site and there are about 30 other campers dotted all around the most spectacular area.  We are parked next two two magnificent white gums and the birds are driving us nuts they’re so happy!!  I have added an extra of the dinner we had tonight before it was panfried in butter and a marinated oil.  The Gold Band Snapper was DELICIOUS!!  We both agreed we had never tasted anything like it.  We’ve had a great day and tomorrow promised to to as good as we head to Onslow on the coast and as we steadily inch our way up to Broome and Cable Beach.

An aside:  We were both really disappointed in the town of Exmouth itself.  The Shire seemed to have a liking for “DON’T DO THIS” signs and. We found it very unwelcoming.  It was tired and grubby and it seemed to be struggling under the strain of the tourists that it pays millions of dollars to attract.  I think they should seriously think about their infrustructure before encouraging people to visit.  We loved the natural side of the area and Ningaloo Reef is indeed worth its World Heritage listing, but the town needs to shape up and look after the thousands of tourists that it has attracted to the area.  I can’t remember having a gripe on my journal before but I just wanted to express my frustration in this instance.  They could do it so much better.

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