Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Is there anybody out there!

It’s so hard to believe that there’s just no one else out there in the entire universe and that planet earth is the only planet that has people populating it!!  Particularly when you see the Milky Way in all its glory like we have tonight.  We are camped in a very remote part of the Exmouth Peninsula and had the opportunity to do some night photography.  This is the Milky Way which is sitting right above us as I type.  You simply cannot see these stars with the naked eye and it takes a very clever camera to capture what really is going on out there.
I have just posted a back blip from yesterday as we had no reception last night.  I would be disappointed if you didn’t head over to see the magnificent pelicans at Monkey Mia :). Here’s the link
I have added an extra from Coral Bay.  If you look really closely you will see Mauzee doing a bit of freestyle!!  The water was crystal clear and from all reports very refreshing :). We nearly fell out of the van when we arrived in Coral Bay.  There must have been at least 500 odd caravans in the two caravan parks.  It was wall to wall with vans.  We couldn’t think of anything worse and are so happy to be out here on our “Pat Malone”

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