He's So Cute

Today was an overcast day and nothing special for taking pictures. I decided to go to a little park here in Urbana. As always I took lots of pictures and thought I had my blip for the day. Then I spotted a ways off this lady walking her dog. I walked towards her and stopped and asked if I could pet her dog. He was so cute. I thought I just have to blip this little fellow. By the way this is Jennifer. Her dog is a male, 6 years old with an unusual name and I can't remember it. (I must start carrying a paper and pen so I can write things down) Anyway Jennifer got her dog at a shelter. He (I'll just call him Cutie since I don't remember his name) Cutie was so sweet and adorable I couldn't resist him being my blip for the day. Makes me want to go get a dog. I love my Libby put I will always miss having a dog.

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