What is this?

Libby: What's this red thing sitting on your desk?
Me: It's a watering can (plastic actually)
Libby: What's it for?
Me: It's used to water flowers.
Libby: But we don't have any flowers.
Me: I know we don't but it made for a cute little prop for your blip today.
Libby: Can you see how uninterested I am in these blips of me?
Me: Yes, I can see you are bored. In the top blip you are at least starting to look at
the watering can. In the next blip you are looking into see what it's all about. Then in the last blip even though I put you treats all around the edge of the can, you just turned your back on it altogether.
Libby: I know, I am sorry. It just didn't do anything for me today. Perhaps another day.
Me: Okay then. I get it.
Libby: I really hate to bring this up but.....I have noticed I haven't been your blip of the day now for the past 3 days
Me: I realize that so that's why you were my blip of the day today.
Libby: I am just not that easy mom. You can't just ignore me for days on end and then think all of a sudden you can place a watering can in front of me and I will be overjoyed to be your blip for the day.
Me: So that's why you were acting the way you acted today because of not being my daily blip?
Libby: I am a bit shallow, aren't I? I am sorry mom.

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