Up after 4; and out, loaded, into the haar and the road to Stromness and the Hammnavoe. By 0530, we were queued and I was walking the hound around a deserted but for ferry folk Stromness sea front.
Boarded and bacon rolled up, we settled into the steady blast of the fog horn; visibility was 100 metres the whole way across. I'd like to say I got used to the fog horn, but no... It grated for the whole 90 minutes.
Off the ferry and onto Gills to collect Her form the recently retuned to service Alfred - she arrived as I was walking Loki about yet another harbour area. Her crossing was less haary and less bouncy too.
We repaired to Wick; and the 'Spoons for a last brunch together before She boarded the train to Inverness and me and the lads scooted off into the gloom southwards down the A9.
Brora for a dug walk and Harry Gow pies for Sunday and onwards to Inverness for ICT v Cove Rangers. I paid the boys in and set about walking Loki before trying to get in myself but there was no way in or of buying a ticket. So I stood outside and peered through / over the gate and still managed to see 4 of the 5 goals on offer!
21 down, 21 still to go. Our quest to visit every league ground is rumbling along nicely.
Bruar was next up; the sun having burned through by now and the heatwave previously only seen on the news kicked in. Fish and chips for the boys, dog food and sandwiches for me and Loki and then the final 90 minutes homewards.
We got in around 2030; I spent an hour unloading the kit before heading off to meet Her at the station and return Loki, his crate and Her luggage to Her's.
I made it through the festival throng without falling asleep and managed the first half of MOTD before the long day finally caught up with me
The beach at Brora; haary but ideal for a bored dog in need of an hour of sand dunes and surf.
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