Wet Wet Wet
Today it rained - woo-hoo! My rain-stick worked!! For about 7 minutes it was even quite hard rain, though most of it was mizzly stuff. The borders here are sliced off a couple of shots of a puddle blipped from my bedroom window. The 'wildflower' I found in the river. I won't say I've never seen it before, but until today I certainly never noticed it. I believe it is unbranched bur-reed, spargantium simplex, and together with bogbean and rosy garlic becomes the third unknown wildflower I've found on my local travels this year. How satisfying.
Dear people, I'm leaving my comments off for the next few days my hands being in rather a mess. Thank goodness I'm seeing the consultant next Friday, who will then give me something long-term for dealing with them.
Enjoy your evening xx
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