Furnace Lass

By furnacelass


After such a lovely spring day yesterday today came as a big disapointment. heavy showers , dark skies and bitterly cold.

Later this afternoon , there was a hint of sun and a beautiful rainbow began to form with a second forming behind it. I thought I was going to blip one of the Argyll double rainbows. However she who hesitates is lost. I dithered at the front door deciding where to get the best composition , decided it had to be from the shore. less than a minute's walk from the door, definitely my blip of the day! Ha!!! by the time I got down there the rainbow had faded.

Despite having no coat on I was determined to stay on the shore and find a decent blip, no comfy indoor blip fpr yours truly. In the biting wind I searched around the rocky shore, in the rock pools, got a shell blip there, along the tide line, got some lovely seaweed blips there, even some of the trees had begun to sprout some tiny green leaves. More blips there. By this time my hands were freezing and sore. Then I spotted the barnacles on the big rocks so went searching for a rock with barnacles on the side facing the light. Two more blips there.

Back up the garden a few flower blips, a puddle blip and that was it. I gave in to the extreme discomfort of cold fingers.

After dinner we just had to watch " The village". Hence the very late blip. processedthe images, converting from RAW to jpg whilst keeping an eye on the football. Some cracking goals there.

So tonight for something completely different here is a blip of the barnacles on a rock as I loved the range of textures and tones on the rock and the shells.

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