Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Orange rose. Eachill Gardens.

The Feast Day of the Assumption of Mother Mary.
I am delighted that we have had some rain here in Rishton. It started at 10am. Thunder and lightning has not happened so far. It is still 26c and I have opened all the windows and doors to optimise the cool breeze.
I was coming back from Lisa's Den, our card shop on the High Street, when the rain started. The air smells wonderful as the gentle rain begins to quench the parched ground. I bought an anniversary card for my son and his wife. I had a good chat with Jean and petted her dog Storm. I saw Winifred, from the knitting group and Church. The Parish Church are collecting clothes to send to Ukraine, so I will see what I can contribute.
Well wherever you are, I hope the weather is kind to you and you get a decent amount of much needed rain.
4842 steps so far.
Take care, thanks for visiting and have a lovely Monday.

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