Early morning swim ...

... in the Kitchen.
It had to be done and good timing for the rest of the day has been cloudy and muggy with thunderstorms threatened. 
A bit of laundry sorting, grass mown and some well work. And then I'm back from an unexpectedly riveting talk by the wonderfully named Micheline Sheehy Skeffington, botanist and feminist, on the arbutus or strawberry tree. It's one of the 16 Lusitanian flora  that are found here and on the Iberian peninsula/Mediterranean but is it native? The short answer is no but it probably came here around 4000 years ago with Northern Spanish people in search of copper. The copper mines and the arbutus are only found in west Cork and South Kerry and correlate perfectly. Interestingly she also looked at myths and placenames  and found clues in there too. Followed by another swim. Bliss
Glass of wine now.

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