Ladders in the sky.
Up well before seven yet again. It's not like me. It was misty with a few spots of rain but, when it cleared some lovely cloud patterns. Once the usual Saturday chores were out of the way I made a list of all my attempts to communicate with the car insurance and phoned Customer Service at nine o’clock. Got a very nice woman who heard my tale made notes and commiserated. She can’t help sent her notes to what is basically Complaints marked urgent and gave me their number to phone if I don’t hear from them on Monday. Felt better having got myself organised. Topped up my mobile as I’d given them the number. I don’t use it but maybe it’s time I did. Took up a British Gas offer for a summer boiler service at a reduced price, made a shopping list for tomorrow then went into the garden to photograph hoverflies and continue work on the old bin store. Kept doing a bit more and a bit more so that it is now gone apart from a couple of very thick ivy trunks which will need a saw. It’s always cheering to feel something has been achieved and I haven’t just lain around wringing my hands.
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