Still mega hot!!!

My human is really angry. We have NO Wi-Fi. Haven’t a clue why not but she’s tried phoning our Wi-Fi provider and just gets a recorded message saying they’re closed now but all info is on the website or app. Mmmmm……….. that’s the problem, we have no Wi-Fi to get onto the website or app.

We have 4/5g on the phone which is how we can post this Blip, but there’s not a great deal else we can do.

It was another scorcher today so I went to the Hermitage first thing for more than an hour and then have just had little toileting treks out in the shade.

That’s OK. Hot weather makes me sleepy so I’ve spent a lot of time snoozing.

Off for my bedtime wee walk and then it will be sleep time. Toodles xxx

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