Messing about on the river

Thursday 11th August 2022

I took Mum out to the Broads for the day. We went on a cruise on the Queen of the Broads. It was a lovely and peaceful 2hrs.

I then had two hours to kill. We went for a drive, had a drink sitting by the river, found another location for an ice cream and then had another little drive. It is amazing how you get no sense of being near such large expanse of water from the road, no photography views. Eventually I declared it was time to head home. However, I had arranged to call on my cousin and her husband, as a surprise visit for mum. When we called in I think mum thought it was for a cup of tea but we had planned to have a meal. We spent a lovely few hours with them reminiscing and catching up. 

We got back late so it was a rather long and full day. 

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