Just a cat in a hat
boy and Jess arrived back in Scotland today from Buenos Ares.
The house was overcome with noise and people and bags and gifts… even for the cats. Demented Bean was more tolerant than beau and posed beautifully for a shot.
We went out and ate and drunk and laughed altogether as a family for the first time on ages! The last time the kids were all home was mid-Covid and we could go no where.
Cocktails were drunk; food was eaten, and laughs were had (see extra)
It’s exhausting. My emotions are at breaking point. I worked the morning and my colleague said, ‘are you so excited to see your Boy’ and I said ‘yes but so sad. To say bye to Tooli’ and sniffed and that was basically me for the rest of the morning.
It’s a good job they are used to my swinging emotions
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