Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Bin Find No 634

Denise came to take Archie out, JR did two sessions in the gym, and I watched the latest (and penultimate) episode of Better Call Saul - I just cannot wait to watch it later in the day. And it was gripping! There is so much stuff online by fans of the series, dissecting each little development, which adds to the fun. Also, because it’s not binge-able, people have to wait a week for each episode, like the old days, which adds to the drama. Last one next week.

One of the neighbours in the next block came in to tell us that the elderly lady on the corner had died. She always said that she loved to hear Archie barking (possibly the only neighbour to do so…) Very sad for her family, but she’d stayed in her house, independent, and was driving in her wee red car until relatively recently.

It was a hot day, well - hot for us up here in the north. I cut the grass, but the hedge is looming…

In the afternoon we went to meet a pal at the local cafe. We left Arch at home, because he was tired from his long hot walk this morning. And anyway, he’s not keen on cafés. He and I had a wee walk afterwards. And we found this - I think it’s a brazier, and I’ve always thought one would be a good idea on cool evenings… Even if I could have lifted it, it was gone when we came back that way.

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