Early evening

The main event today was the arrival of the fridge just before 9 which just gave me time to book a last minute yoga class. It’s quietly humming away and the frozen veg and yoghurt ice lollies seem to have re-frosted successfully. 
Trip to see to R who has been moved and has a pleasant room on the 8th floor overlooking the city and directly on to the Sustainable Urban Drainage System, I must tell him this tomorrow.
More tedious admin this afternoon, and then I decided to check out a trail running group that meets practically out side the flat. They were delightful and encouraged me to go next week, I won’t be - they look super fit. And then as I was going to get my blip I met another group of runners at the Shawmoss Rd entrance to the park and they are just the ticket, a slow 5k, they walk up all the hills and stop to talk, a lot. They are even called Run Talk Run, the space signifying the stopping a lot. I will be there next week. 
I love the river at this time of year and in early evening. Much splashing, most probably from the mallards, the foliage gives them extra cover.

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