Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Little big rock

This photo that I took down by the river remind me of what happened in the Canigou race at the weekend. I heard two helicopters overhead on Sunday and read that there had been a rockfall in the last section before reaching the summit. A huge boulder was dislodged and it caused an avalanche of smaller rocks that hit some of the runners who were at the bottom. One person was seriously injured and is in an induced coma and four others were less seriously hurt. It could have been worse as most of the runners had already passed that particular spot. Apparently, it is likely that the drought conditions are causing the rocks to become friable and there have been several such incidents in the Alps. 
In the morning gave my tennis coach some practice in preparation for her match in the tournament tomorrow but we stopped when it got too hot. The word just four of us at french conversation in the afternoon.

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