Man Does Not Live on Rice Alone

We can definitely feel the improvement today. No aches and pains. My upper respiratory system feels clear with only a slight cough. God is Good! I found one more day’s worth of Paxlovid so nasty mouth is still with me. It did not prevent me from enjoying a bit of the baked chicken meal my DIL sent via Parker. She must have cooked all morning. My family has been so kind. Parker was our first inside visitor and was such a welcome sight. He left before I could snap this photo so I called him back. As nice as these meals look, his handsome self surely adds to the scene. I sent some fresh vegetables home with him. We kept things low key all day, napping off and on. Hubby dumped trash, I uploaded another back blip (some great ancient stuff), I placed a grocery pick up order and hubby is getting it as I type. It is still way too hot outside to do more than a short walk which I did very early. Thanks much for all your well wishes. Hope those suffering with various maladies can feel returning good health as well. Stay safe folks. “Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end” - Scott Adams

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