
No photos taken today.  Normal Monday with BP first thing.  The house needed a blitz after the weekend so OH started on hooverng and dusting when I was at the gym and I finished off when I got back.  For some mad reason I decided today would be a good day to wash the grout between the tiles on the kitchen floor.  Stupidly we have limestone tiles with a cream grout on the floor which looked really grubby!  I have cleaned it before and the only way to get it clean is a bleach solution, scrubbing brush and hands and knees!  Why I decided to do this today, after BP is anyone's guess?  At the end of it my arms were aching and I couldn't stand up.........but the floor was clean!  Shower and lunch relaxing in the garden for an hour before  a volunteering shift .  I don't know if the weather has any effect on the type of calls but I was emotionally drained after three hours.  Such a variety of problems and difficult situations - some sad, some bad and some definitely crazy!!

Home for a glass of wine (I know it is only Monday) and easy dinner. OH took MIL for yet another doctor's appointment.  She had notification of another appointment in a few weeks time - this time a bone density scan.  Really?  She is 88 - what are they going to say?  Either you have (a) weak bones or (b) your bones are ok?  Either way there is not much they can do about it!  I do wonder about the NHS and use of resources.  On the other hand OH wanted  a repeat prescription which they would not issue without an appointment to speak to someone (its nothing serious - just a nail infection) he has to wait two weeks for a phone consultation!!  Madness.

Picture was taken yesterday of No2 relaxing on the river.  

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