Soccer Carnival!

Today Spence had his first soccer carnival! He has only played two games of soccer in his life and had to play three today! It was really good for all the boys though! They did really well! They won the first game and Spence even scored a goal! They won the second one and lost the third!

They all had a great time and received a medal at the end which was the most exciting thing for them all!!

The carnival had finished by midday so we came home then Spence had a little rest then he went for a bike ride along the beach with his friend Brent and Brent's dad. They mucked around with the soccer ball and then I picked him up and we got ready to go out to a friend's house for tea.

Willow is a girl in Spencer's class and Spence tells us she is his 'best girl friend'! We went to her house for tea along with two other kids and their families from school who we get along well with. Willow's parents happen to have moved here the start of this year from a town about 10 minutes from where we used to live in country Victoria! It was quite freaky!

We had a really good time, it was a great mix of people and very entertaining and interesting! We didn't leave until 11.15pm and Spence was absolutely exhausted! We had put Joti to bed in the port-a-cot so she was fine!

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