things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic

One Chance...

Pretty hot out and about here today. I had a walk around Hickling Broad & when I got back to the car, it was 30C. Aircon on pretty quick!

I walked all around the site in the hope of seeing a swallowtail butterfly - they'd been reported yesterday (2nd brood). I hardly saw any butterflies however, but watched swallows ducking, diving & feeding from one of the hides + a bittern fly past & 2 marsh harriers.

There's wasn't much around to be photographed all in all, & the best 5 mins was at the start - I found a purple hairstreak right in front of me on the path. It gave me one pic & it was off! The extra is a Norfolk Hawker dragonfly - I think. If it is, then it's a first for me photo-wise. 

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