
I took this photograph at lunchtime on the way back from somewhere. I thought I'd better get a few in the bag just in case I didn't need to go out and do an animal-themed blip at around 5pm.

I was rather hoping that I would be featuring a certain animal in my blip today, but that of course was all dependent on football results going my way. And, whilst I have nothing but the utmost respect for the likes of Burnley and Ipswich, I am rather hoping that my team will be keeping company with the likes of Liverpool and Manchester United next season. 'We' seem to be contriving to make this promotion push as difficult as we can for ourselves, it's almost easier to get promoted in our position than not, yet we continue to stumble and trip as we approach the finish line. Like today for example. I'm keeping optimistic, and hoping that it's not a case of defeat being snatched from the jaws of victory.

Final game of the season next week. It's going to happen. Come Saturday.

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