
That's me, age 43 3/4, father of two. And I was about to call this one 'Daddy' for a soon-to-become-obvious reason but I've used that title before so 'Warp' is it.

Knackering day, work at work, work at home, a hard 25 minutes in the pool and then home with heavy bags of shopping. It was all I could do to faff around on the internet until 2 in the morning, before being shouted into the bathroom at 4 to deal with my eldest's nosebleed before being woken by my youngest at 7 with breakfast requests. And today? Well, today (back-blipping this one on Saturday) could be a long one. But it could also be great one. Saturday's blip may tell, we'll see how those football results go ;-)

Daddy? Warp? I was just 'singing' a classic track on the way home. It's not one I tend to play around the house much.

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