Special guests

P came over this morning for coffee, and brought old friends to see us. We haven’t seen them for 12 months so it was special. Amber welcomed P on the front path and in all her excitement pee’d on the ground, something that we thought she had grown out of!!! 

Lottie and Pippa were delighted to see us and better behaved than the youngster. They are now about 12-13 year old and looking their age. When it was time to go home they were happy in their bed and would have stayed given half a chance.

It was good to see P and catch up on all the news, of which there was loads!!! 

This afternoon I finished off some sewing, a birthday gift for a youngster. I have another item to do so will blip them together when finished.

It poured with rain this morning, the grass is beginning to green up a bit, but it was hot and steamy this afternoon.

PS It's good to see  how well Pippa has done considering her injury  

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